Managing rental units isn’t rocket science. However, there are ways to take renting to the next level and most of them are simply not known about or not financially viable for smaller investors or owners. We utilize several powerful web-based management technologies, heavy online presence, and impeccable community maintenance to keep our assets at the top of the market. We know which websites our residents come to us from, we know how many of those leads are converted to leases, we know the “loss to lease” values on each existing lease, we know the rents of every other community in any given market, we know who owns every property, and so much more. You can feel confident your investment is being watched by a group of invested individuals that maintain your property as if it were their own.

When properties are maintained properly and managed with the future in mind, they will prosper and grow in value. When rental units are forgotten about, rented carelessly, or mismanaged, they can cost owners and residents alike. Across the United States, we lose about 300,000-400,000 units each year due to mismanagement and eventual condemnation or redevelopment. We don’t partner or work with owners who aren’t willing to maintain their properties. By keeping the majority of costs “in-house” we are able to save owners money that we hope translates into reinvestment in their properties and thus, higher valuations. Our business model depends on us improving the bottom-line, otherwise, we are no different from our competitors.

Our group is different; we come in with a plan to add value to the investment, we work with what the ownership team envisions, and the value we add always outweighs the fee we charge.
Before working together we go through three simple steps:
  1. Evaluate the financials for the current valuation
  2. Create the management and/or development strategy
  3. Implement the strategy, track the progress, and attain the desired goal
Reach out to us today for a free consultation!

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